Fillerati – Faux Latin is a Dead Language

This is another nice addition to my collection of Lorem Ipsum replacements. It generates up to 10 paragraphs out of several authors’ books, including Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Not sure how thrilled a client would be to see Caterpillar’s pearls of wisdom plopped in their design, but I would be very tempted to find out 🙂

Fillerati – Faux Latin is a Dead Language

Bacon Ipsum – A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator

The result looks and sounds tasty:

“Pork chop corned beef strip steak fatback, rump cow tail pancetta jerky short ribs. Turkey andouille chicken chuck cow short loin shankle. Corned beef rump meatball, swine ham hock tongue sirloin bacon headcheese. Ball tip ham hock pork loin, pancetta venison pig tongue rump andouille beef ribs meatloaf pork chop. Chicken shank short ribs pork tongue. Beef ribs tri-tip tongue meatloaf swine. Flank jowl bacon hamburger short ribs.”

What? I am a carnivore, just seeing this plopped into my design makes the day brighter.

Bacon Ipsum | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator

Design Float

I’ve been subscribed to the Design Float’s RSS feed for a long time, and it keeps getting better and better and, unfortunately, larger and larger. It got to the point where I can’t keep up even by scanning the daily titles. So my latest approach is to only use the first page of design news to satisfy the curiosity and to search for specific links whenever I have a question. To me, search results on Design Float are more useful than on Twitter and better focused than on Digg and similar all-in-one community driven news sites. And it is still using good old pagination and not auto scrolling; I can pause and resume the reading later, can bookmark the exact place in search results where I stopped. Very convenient.