
Harmony is a drawing tool created by Ricardo Cabello. It is probably not for those who want full control over the drawing as it likes to add its own twists to every stroke, but if you don’t mind collaboration the process is very freeing. Harmony does not have an eraser of any sort either, so you are at no risk to get stuck going back and forth between corrections. Like drawing with ink, the result is immediate and final. Here is my very first experience with Harmony:

Playing in Harmony

If you don’t feel like jumping right in, read a bit about it and see what can be done with it first.

A toy for generating word clouds from text

Wordle takes the text you provide and turns it in a typographic design. Sometimes the result is beautiful, sometimes it’s funny. The more frequently the word appears in the text, the bigger it will be in the final image.

I tried Wordle with text centered around “programming” and “code” and used “sexy code” in it. Wordy had its own ideas where sexy would fit best, and no matter how many times I randomized the design it was sided with anything but “code”. “Sexy resources” looked quite nice though 🙂